Precautions for Using PDC Bits
PDC bits possess unique properties. Before using them, it is essential to understand the specific model and its characteristics thoroughly. For different formations, optimize drilling parameters and insertion depth accordingly. Follow the specified technical parameters for PDC bits to achieve the desired results.
2. Optimize Drilling Fluid Nozzle Design
Analyzing the working principles of PDC bits in deep wells reveals that adding reverse upward-facing nozzles can reduce the compressive force of the fluid column on bottom-hole cuttings, increase the upward return speed of the drilling fluid, and enhance turbulence-induced rock-carrying capacity.
3. Suitable for Mudstone Formations
Using PDC bits can significantly improve drilling speed in mudstone formations. During drilling design, leverage this characteristic of PDC bits to optimize wellbore structures and prevent potential downhole complications.
4. Economic Benefits of Combining with Downhole Motors
PDC bits used with downhole motors demonstrate significant economic benefits, avoiding the inefficiencies caused by roller cone bits' incompatibility with such motors. Properly selected PDC bits can further enhance mechanical penetration and build-up rates, and their use should be gradually promoted.
5. Recommendations for Directional Well Drilling
To control costs, conventional directional well drilling aims to complete directional, build-up, and hold-angle sections in a single run. In recent years, guided drilling tools have been increasingly tested and adopted. The low weight-on-bit and high rotational speed characteristics of downhole motors align well with the operational parameters of PDC bits. It is recommended to prioritize the use of this combination.
6. Advantages of Short PDC Bit Designs
Short-profile PDC bits with short gauge lengths exhibit higher build-up rates. Their gauge is designed with radially arranged carbide blocks or PDC cutting teeth, reducing the side rake angle of the gauge cutting teeth. This structure enhances lateral cutting capabilities, thereby improving build-up rates.
7. Handling Tool Face Backlash
The tool faces backlash during operations because PDC bits are susceptible to weight-on-bit, potentially causing challenges. It is recommended to use PDC bits with more and shorter blades. Additionally, ensure steady feed during drilling and avoid "chopping" feeding methods.
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