Diamond Wire Saw for Cutting Frame Beams

Diamond wire saws are often used to cut frame beams, concrete columns and so on. This article briefly introduces you to the basic procedures for the construction of diamond wire saw cutting frame beams.

Construction Technology
Determine the cutting section position --- Install diamond rope --- Install the fixed guide wheel- --- Connect related operating system --- Fix wire saw machine ---Set up safety guardrail ---Cutting

Construction Points
1. Fix the Wire Saw Machine and Guide Wheels:
Use M16 chemical anchor bolts to secure the main and auxiliary tripods of the wire saw. The guide wheels must be installed stably, ensuring that their edges align with the center line of the rope hole to maintain effective cutting speed. Installation accuracy requirements must be strictly followed.
2. Install the Diamond Wire:
Based on the determined cutting form, wind the diamond wire around the driving wheel and auxiliary wheel in the correct order. Ensure that the direction of the wire matches the driving direction of the driving wheel.
3. Connection and Safety Protection Measures:
According to on-site conditions, the connections for water, electricity, mechanical equipment, and other related pipelines should be correctly standardized and placed in a relatively concentrated manner. Safety operating procedures must be strictly followed to prevent chaos involving multiple machines, personnel, and materials, which could lead to potential accidents. During the diamond wire cutting process, the movement direction of the wire must be protected by safety barriers, and safety signs should be posted in the area to warn pedestrians against entering the construction zone.
4. Cutting:
Start the electric motor and adjust the driving wheel's lifting tension through the control panel, ensuring that the diamond wire is properly tensioned. Supply circulating cooling water, then start another electric motor to drive the diamond wire for rotary cutting. Monitor the stability of the frame during cutting, and adjust the guide wheel's offset as needed to keep the cutting wire in the same plane.
5. Selection of Cutting Parameters:
During the cutting process, adjust the cutting parameters via the operation control panel to ensure that the diamond wire's running line speed is approximately 20 m/s. Ensure an adequate amount of washing liquid during cutting to cool the diamond wire and remove grinding powder. Aim for stable speed, parameters, and equipment during operations.
6. Safety Precautions During Cutting:
Be prepared to address issues such as wire breakage. Strict safety measures are essential; otherwise, diamond beads from broken wires may fly out like bullets and cause injury. In addition to necessary protective measures, restrict access to unrelated personnel on-site.

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